Judiciary Exam
Indian Judicial Services Exams are a critical gateway for individuals aspiring to pursue a career in the legal field and contribute to the justice system of the country. Indian Judicial Services Exams are conducted by various state public service commissions, and aim to select candidates for the prestigious position of civil judges or judicial magistrates.
Lower Judiciary Services
1.Subordinate Judiciary Examination-
Entry level exam for the Civil Judge.
This exam is hold in 3 steps-
Preliminary Examination(Objective)
Mains Exam (Subjective)
Eligibility is first citizen of India, complete the LLB degree and age between 21 to 35.
Salary: 28k initially and there are multiple allowances too.
2.Higher Judiciary Examination-
Entry level exam for the Additional District/Session Judge but candidates can apply after completing 7 years legal practice.
Eligibility : citizen of India, LLB degree with minimum 55%, 7 years completed as legal practice and the age between 21 and 35.
Salary: 51k to 63k and multiple allowances.
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