Railway Recruitment Board(RRB)
The Railway Recruitment Boards conduct examinations to fill various posts in Indian Railways. Some of the popular exams conducted by Railway Recruitment Boards are:
Railway Recruitment Board Exam for Assistant Loco Pilot
Railway Junior Engineer Exam
Railway Group D Exam
Railway Recruitment Boards also conduct examinations for various other posts such as Ticket Collector, Clerk, and Translator.
Sub Categories:​
1. NTPC(Non- Technical Popular Categories)
Salary : Base is around 20k to 22k.
Eligibility: For undergraduate-level posts, age between 18 to 33 and for graduate-level posts, age between 18 to 36.
2.Group D
Eligibility: Class 10 passed and age between 18 to 33
Salary :Base is around 22k to 25k per month.
3.Junior Engineer
Salary: Base is around 35k per month
Eligibility: Diploma/Degree in engineering and age between 18-36 years.
4.Assistant Loco Pilot
Salary: between 24k to 34k per month.
Eligibility: Diploma or ITI certificate and age between 18 and 33 years old.
5.Paramedical Staff
Eligibility: Diploma in medical degree is it diploma or graduation and age between 18 to 43.
Salary : Base range between 21.7k to 45k.